One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So, it was time for the first grass mow since BD left...easy right? suuuure.
So I get out the mower, mow 1/2 the back yard and it dies, again, not a problem, just needs gas, sooo I put a phone call in to my lovely Father in law to ask if he knows whether the 2 gas cans in the shed have reg gas in them or gas for the weedeater in it. *See...I do know something!!!* Some of you may wonder "How would he know" well, they just left a couple weeks ago from a 6wk stay at our house, so yes, he would know better than me what is going on in my shed :)
So since that issue is solved I decide to just go ahead and get the weedeating out of the way, aaaand I hit another snag, The weedeater was out of gas *remind me to get after my husband for the above issues* sooo I once again put in a call to my handy father in law, he instructs me out how mix the oil and gas, bingo bango done, perfecto.....
I pick up the weedeater and start it...and heres where my issue starts......Im short, the heaviest part of the weedeater *the gas tank* is above my head. It's taller than a lot. Not good. It's just easy physics, *I think its physics right?* Heavy things above short people equal off balance. Another issue I encounter is the constant vibration of the weedeater. May not be a big deal to some, but to someone with fairly bad carpal tunnel it's an issue. Now, for those that don't know heavy vibrations plus carpal tunnel hands can cause sort of a parlayasis of the hands, not good. Nevertheless, this does not stop me! I'm an Army wife! hooah! Soooo the most I can do is heave this thing upward then run to a new spot and let the spinning cord grass cuttin thingie hit the ground....which causes big mole sized holes around the perimeter of the fence. The weedeater isnt balanced enough *bc it towers 3 ft above my head* nor can the strength of my hands/arms help control it...sooo picture a sort of Dumb and Dumber meets Texas Chainsaw Massacure type scene.

I'll just have weeds......

I swear, there ought to be cameras in my house...I'd be famous..then I wouldn't have grass...I'd have Astroturf!!!!


Kristen said...

Wow, I admire you for even weed-eating. Actually, with two kids and being all alone, I think I'd find a nice neighbor kid that wants a few extra bucks. But no, not Erica. That woman has to show the rest of us sissys up!! :)

My Life as an Army Wife said...

lol, Kristen, It's more like I'm just cheap...and stubborn! ha

Laura Cashion said...

My husband showed me how to start the weedeater but he never showed me how to use it. The first time I broke the string off and had to have the neighbor come and show me how to fix it. Then I proceeded to butcher the yard. After the 5th time using it I think I am finally starting to figure it out. I even edge too. We are Army wives we can do anything we are super heroes!

My Life as an Army Wife said...

Ya I pretty much butchered our back yard also. ha I know how to use our weedeater and have before, but it's broken so I was using my Father in Laws weedeater that he left here and that thing is Heavy duty like no other! lol

Kristen said...

LOL!! This is just too funny. And I'm cheap too--like you wouldn't believe, so I would probably do the mowing and well, say "suck it" to the weed eating! :)