One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dear 17 Year Old Me

Dear 17 Year Old Me,

You are strong. Never forget that.  You'll get thrown hurdles. Those who you think are your friends, aren't. Those that you don't think are your friends will become the most influential and special people in your life.  Don't spend too much time on those you want to be friends with but treat you wrong.

Don't ever give up! Don't give up on you. Don't give up on your marriage.  It's worth it. Fight. Fight and Fight hard. It doesn't seem like it's worth it, but it is. It truly is!

You'll be thrown such hardships. The hardships you've dealt with thus far only prepare you for what's to come. They only make you stronger for what's to come.

 There will be a time when you look back  think "wow! That was worth it. I survived that"

Don't tolerate behavior from boys that you know is wrong, just so you don't upset someone or because you are afraid of losing someone or being alone.  Being alone is OKAY!

Stop living in such fear that people will leave you. Stop living in fear that one wrong move and they will leave. People are going to do what they want. You can't control what they do. You can only control you and be true to you!

Life isn't so black and white. There is so much grey. Embrace the grey.

Don't worry about pleasing everyone.  It won't happen. Do what makes you happy and forget those that don't agree.

You're going to have 3 amazing kids. Just like you wanted. The oldest is smart, funny, and she keeps you on your toes. She keeps you guessing. She's a firecracker, which is what you need.  Your middle child.. She will be attached to you from the moment she is born, It's amazing, but do make her fly on her own. She needs to learn to fly. Help her fly..gently. She's a peaceful soul.   Your youngest... He will teach you to fight. He will teach you to be an advocate. He will teach you that you can survive for 3 days on 2 hours of sleep.  He will teach you to fight even harder. To stand up for what you believe. He also, is the light of your life.  He's a miracle baby.

The boy you are with now... You'll marry.  It won't be roses or sunshine. In fact there will be less rose and less sunshine than you would ever believe. BUT.. stick with it.  Fight for what you want. It pays off and it pays off HUGE.  Those that don't believe you know what you are doing or you are with the wrong guy.  You aren't. You're right. Go with your gut.  It won't be easy but it's worth it.

Fight.... Don't ever stop! 

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