One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Monday, December 13, 2010

Nice tidbits of info

I'd like to share a few tidbits of information I've learned lately, things that may enrich your life and make your life more enjoyable....

1. Shortening *of the baking kind* can be used as an amazing buffer for your fake nails. It shines them up quite nicely...along with moisturizing the hands.

2. The bike/cycling machine mabobber at the gym causes what can feel like a massive booty cramp. I did not expect this bc one would think "bike: leg workout" oh no my love...I walked out of the cardio Cinema with a massive booty cramp. Which is akward when you have to walk through said gym.

3. Dog toy making companies need to make stronger dog toys...Harley chewed through a new tennis ball rag toy within the first 5 minutes...I'd hate to make him mad............

4. When you say "I don't want anything for Christmas this year" "Santa" will break your dishwasher and fry your computer, causing you to have to buy a new dishwasher and computer during Christmas time. From here on out I am asking for stuff.....lots of stuff. No good deed goes unpunished

5. This time of the year I am reminded of how many people love my children, sending them Christmas gifts, cards, letters. I'm reminded of how much we are loved. It touches my heart as a mother to know my children are so loved by so many people. For my family that is far away this year may you feel the warmth and love of Christmas and be reminded just how much you are loved.
I'm reminded just how much I love my babies. It's amazing to watch the magic of Christmas through their eyes. I now understand why my parents were up far before we were on Christmas, waking US up. Because its such an amazing thing to watch your children get so excited about Christmas and the gifts and the whole spirit of the day.
I can honestly say I am SO excited for this Christmas. I get to spend it with my husband, which is a rare honor, I get to spend it with my parents, whom I haven't shared a Christmas with in years, and I get to watch my children's eyes light up as they open their gifts...I get to watch EVERYONES eyes light up as they open their gifts, I get to watch everyone savor the food I've prepared and I wouldn't have it any other way.
My Christmas "gift" this year is having my family together. whole. safe. My 2 beautiful babies and my husband.

I pray for those who are serving our Country during this Holiday season. May you feel the love and warmth of your families and the joy of the Season.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!! ho ho ho

1 comment:

Tim and Cynthia Jones said...

so funny, so sweet, so true...
I also love reading your blogs,and thanks about the far away family part...we will truly miss getting together with all our family, but I'm so glad you have your parents there!!