So, I don't quite know the reason for this post, but perhaps there is someone out there who is feeling or has felt the way I am feeling and somehow I can help or they can help me.
Lately I have been feeling so overwhelmed, which is sooo not me, I'm a go getting, a mover and a shaker, do all, Armywife here me ROAR kind of person. I've had people ask me how I do it, manage a house, kids, bills, dogs, yard, ect ect all while my husband is gone for a year to a war zone and my answer is "Oh we stay busy, but we are doing great" and its TRUE.. I'm -not- a moper, We have our schedule and I do it all and still have time for me. I'm used to being alone, I'm fine with it and we got it down. It's all so very true...until lately.
Lately I'm overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, stressed, exausted, worn down, D-O-N-E. I had it together more last deployment when I had a newborn and a 15 month old and had no daycare.
Doesn't the dog realize that I need him to stop barking because I'm trying to deal with my daughters medical issues that have arisen once again?
Don't my kids understand that I need them to NOT sprinkle..er..dump..powder between 2rooms and a hallway then mix it all with peroxide as I'm trying to skype with their father who is 8,000 miles away?
Don't the dishes realize that I need them to wash themselves bc I have to spend the evening cleaning up said peroxide/powder glue mixture?
Doesn't my child realize that I can't handle the 12yr old attitude I'm getting lately?
AND on top of it all I've had sick kids for....geez..3 1/2 months now and on top of all that I'm now sick.
I haven't had the time in nearly 2 weeks to exercise because it was too cold to run outside with the kids then the kids were sick, and now I'm sick...It's a miracle I'm still losing weight.
1/2 my house is possibly sinking
annnd it's looking like we're moving in less than a year which means it's up to me to get the house 'sell ready' all by myself... ya know..in my spare time
Don't you realize that I have the weight of the world on my shoulders??
These are all the big things, below these big things I have 10 million other 'little' issues that need to be taken care of that aren't getting done because there just aren't enough hours in the day.
If you think I just sit around the house leisurely reading all day you are mistakingly wrong.
What stumps me the most though is how in the world women have the time to cheat on their man while they are gone..honestly..how?! By the time my kids go to bed I have been drooled on, climbed on, and hung on so much that I do believe I will scream if so much as the dog gets within 10 feet of me. And it's the honest to God truth that I don't know a man willing to come into this chaotic, drama filled, busy, hectic house besides my husband and he kinda has to because they are his kids and his stuff is still here and I have the keys to his car. lol
is this just the mid deployment hump that I'm feeling and perhaps I just forgot from last time? I sure hope so.