One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Poor Neglected Blog

My poor blog has been neglected. I just don't have the time most days to stay on top of it right now..which is saying a lot.

We are settling into a routine..kind of.  There are good days and bad days. Therapies, Dr  visits, and normal everyday mommy stuff keeps me busy.  Most days I am running from kid to kid all day. Especially since it's summer now and I have all 3 kids home all day.

Wes is finally on a formula that I think will work. Now that he is doing better on that I have to start the process of doctor visits to update them and then get them to give me a RX so that I can get WIC to get us the formula and to change it in their system, once again. They are being less than helpful in regards to his formula but we have to have it at this point to pay for his formula.  It's mahal (as my mother-in-law would say)  But the soy seems to help him a great deal.

I'm doing okay. I have good days and bad days. Yesterday was a bad day. It's all very overwhelming at times. ETSing, moving, setting up life in another state without the Army behind us, job hunting, plus Wesley. Hubs and I are on the phone with insurance or doctors nearly everyday. No exaggeration. Sometimes I tend to lose it. The tears flow and I can't stop. Most days I am okay but some days it's too much.  I realized yesterday that I am going through the "stages of grief" In a way I am grieving what I thought "was" the whole time I was pregnant. What I thought "would be" is not.  I don't regret my son.  Never in a million years. He is my light. I am SO SO in love with him. I wouldn't trade him for the world.  

I'm angry right now. I'm angry it happened, I'm angry that I have to fight every step of the way, I'm angry that in his young life he will have surgeries. I'm angry that Doctors and other medical professionals don't take me seriously sometimes because I'm "young". I'm angry that all the pediatricians I have encountered don't want to answer my questions because of his cleft, they want to just refer us out to a "specialist" for every.little.thing, which delays what I need by weeks and I'm left to figure it out on my own.

My thoughts are very much on surgery. Reading up on after care tips and tricks, getting autorizations figured out, Setting up consults in Kansas.  A lot of it feels very "One step forward, two steps back"   Right now we are scheduled for a consult at the KU Medical Center in August. Hopefully surgery will follow soon after and won't be delayed too long.

This too shall pass.  We are strong. We will win this. My baby is a fighter. We will rise to the top.
Without further rambling I thought I would share some photos..enjoy!

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