One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My thoughts on the Superbowl

So I thought I'd share some SuperBowl thoughts:

1. hard is it to get the National Anthum correct? Epic Fail for Christina! Not that I liked her before..but I really don't like her now.

2. LOVE the Doritos commercials

3. I will now predict the winner: The team wearing the gold pants will win!
*betcha..just watch :)*

4. for some reason I loved the commercial for the Chrystler 200 with Eminem.

5. Half time show ROOOOCKKKEDD!!!!

6. I'm rootin for Packers and here is why (pay attention or else you won't follow..My brain is -that- complex) When my brother was little he had a cheese head hat thingie.....I loved it, I wanted it... and someone I really don't a HUGE Steelers fan..(Nobody that reads this blog or on my Facebook is "the hated", so don't get hurt feelings, I dont associate with this all, bc I don't like her) And green used to be my favorite color when I was little (not anymore though) SO there you have it.

7. For my bday next year I want the BEP to come sing for me. ok, just Taboo

8. I so totally yell at my TV

9. I am Uber excited that the Superbowl was in Dallas this year.

10. TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 27-17!!

11. PACKERS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!

12. Every year I pick a team.........every year my team wins. *bowing* Thank you, thank you!

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