One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I love meatloaf..Love...IT..I could be a meatloaf-a-holic. Unfortnatly my husband doesn't share the love. When he told me he didn't like meatloaf it was a defining moment in our could have ended it, I do believe his lack of love for meatloaf caused Maybe it's because he's from Tucson and I'm from 'Amish Country' We luuvv us some meatloaf, meatloaf sandwiches, meatloaf cold, meatloaf hot, meatloaf,white bread, mustard..yumm! So the only time I don't feel guilty making meatloaf is when he's gone. I've tried numerous recipes over the years. Some ended up like dog food, some had no flavor but I finally found a winner! I tried this recipe tonight and it was fabulous:

Mini Italian Meat Loaves:

1 1/2 lb extra-lean (at least 90%) ground beef
1/2 cup Progresso® Italian-style dry bread crumbs
1/2 cup pepperoni-flavored pizza sauce (from 14-oz jar)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 egg
1/4 cup shredded Italian-style six-cheese blend or mozzarella cheese (1 oz)
Additional pizza sauce, heated, if desired

1.Heat oven to 350°F. In large bowl, mix all ingredients except cheese and additional pizza sauce. Press beef mixture into 12 regular-size muffin cups (cups will be very full). Place muffin pan on cookie sheet in oven to catch any spillover.
2.Bake about 30 minutes or until loaves are no longer pink in center and meat thermometer inserted in center of loaves in middle of muffin pan reads 160°F.
3.Sprinkle 1 teaspoon cheese over each loaf. Bake 1 to 2 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Immediately remove from cups. Serve with pizza sauce.

I, of course, made some changes; I only had 1lb of meat, I grated some carrot and green pepper into the mixture, added some more spices (oregano,basil,extra garlic), I didn't do the extra sauce and I didn't have pizza sauce so I used spaghetti sauce. But ya, was AWESOME. I got "nummmmm nummmmm" from one child and "This is the best dinner EVER" from another. Which is saying something bc my kids don't like dinner unless its takeout or breakfast :P It was super easy, and the kids loved it bc they looked like Win!

And you cannot have meatloaf without mashed potatoes (it's a crime..You need something to dip the meatloaf in!) So I made some dill mashed potatoes with Greek Yogurt instead of milk. DELISH!
Just boiled my potatoes until soft, added garlic salt, pepper, a dallop of Greek Yogurt and some fresh dill and mash! They turn out super fluffy like if you would have added milk and sour cream and dill is just awesome in potatoes.

To finish out the trifecta we needed corn but I didn't have any :-( so we just made due with brussel sprouts and green beans.

I cannot wait to have the leftovers tomorrow! yum! My tummy is SUPER happy tonight!

Friday, February 25, 2011

My thoughts on the Gym

Number 1: wearing a necklace and a pretty butterfly clippy thing in your styled hair is not appropriate for the gym, Miss take it out. If i can't tell whether you're going to a party or the gym then there's an issue.

Number 2: Wearing pants (by pants, I mean spandex type stuff) so tight you have a wedgie......not appropriate! I get it..dudes like it..but..that can't be comfortable...

Number 3: If you have hair longer than a bob haircut PUT IT UP! Long, almost to your booty, frizzy hair is not appropriate!!

Number 4: Men..if you're gonna lift weights, lift weights. Don't lift once, drop it, groan and then look around to see who is watching you.

Number 5: I LOVE seeing moms at the gym! I love that they are taking care of themselves, doing something for them. Fabulous! So many mothers don't and I love seeing moms that do.

Number 6: I did not understand the big *as in..hulk* dude who walked in the gym this evening with a huge shirt/cloak type thing on...I swear, He looked like some sort of Italian mafia sorta thing. It confused me.

Number 7: I really don't think I could ever do Zumba.. a huge glass wall that everyone can see you shake it all about..don't think I could do that.

Number 8: I laughed when the dude was tryin to flirt with the worker girl and totally tripped over a cord. I know..mean..but he was right in front of me..kinda made me giggle.

Number 9: Absolutely do not stare me down Miss Barbie as I'm standing there sweating while you blow dry your hair so that it isnt sweaty lookin (bc thats's now heated, DRIED sweat), bc honestly, I'm not scared of a staring contest...really. I'm not. I'll win.

Number 10: What's the point in having a cardo Cinema if you can't even hear the movie? its beyond me.

Number 11: I don't understand the grumpy lady with the deep voice who works in Kids Club and just sits in a corner of the room at stares at people. (I think I have issues with staring)

Number 12: I really like the dark haired, young, chick in kids club...I wanna be her BFF.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spring has Sprung

What an insane month! The last time I looked at the Calender it was January and now it's darn near March! Which, by the way, is fine by me! Ready for spring. Who knew that February, a short month, could carry so much drama. Murphina really pulled some doozies on me.
Let's recap, shall we? First we had snow, frozen pipes, water gushing out of the house, no water, at the same time as the no water our hot water heater malfunctioned (a coincidence only Murphina could accomplish), water damage causing insurance to get involved and file a claim, very first speeding ticket, pink eye, terrible two's kicked in, aannnddd both girls were cutting 2 molars each at the same time (That part..really not fun!) all in the span of 2 weeks. The other 2 weeks we were back home in Ks for a visit. Things have finally calmed down, water fixed, teeth have come through, Ins. claim filed and closed. How glorious it is to live in a fully functional house again. I'm finally back at the gym and working towards being able to run a 5K; it's a huuuge stress relief to workout and I'm a better, happier person when I do, for those who are worried that I'm gettin to skinny :-) It's not about 'skinny'. It's about feeling good and doing something for just me. Lillia will be starting dance class in March, I'll be starting school summer semester and I'm finally getting my house in order from all the chaos.

Yay for Spring!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What We Know.....

It's rare that I find an article that speaks my heart..truly speaks what I honestly feel. I don't say 1/2 of what I need/want during deployments because of fear. Things I can say when he's home, I don't say when he's gone because I fear the unthinkable. It's like if I don't say it, it can't happen, Honestly, I know that's not true but it's how I cope. It's how I can keep going every day.
This article was posted on Facebook by a friend and also Army wife. Thanks Casey! I feel like I could have written a number of these. This brought tears to my eyes because it's so, so true.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Apparently I angered Murphina

Here is my life since Friday morning:

Friday was one of those days where it was 1 step forward, 10 steps back..annoying, but I dealt. Then Friday night was my big water fiasco. We lived without water through Saturday. I washed what little dishes I had too, even hand washed some pants, and all the annoyances that go without having water. Luckily Sunday morning I was able to give my girls at bath and get 9 gallons of water, Thanks Laura!!! Then Sunday afternoon the repair man came and $400 later I had water..just no hot water. how lovely and also have to put in a claim bc the wall, ect was so wet it'll need to be repaired and having the deductible didn't ease me any bc its not a very nice deductible. But I still had hope, Monday both kids had daycare, I'd go to the gym to shower (please note, I hadn't had a hot shower since Thursday, I took a couple really quick, REALLY cold showers but..those suck..majorly), then I'd have the day to myself to finish getting ready for our trip. Monday morning comes, still no hot water. I try to fix said water heater (all before 8am) but I gave up, I wasn't in the mood to blow up the house bc I don't know what I'm doing. I thought maybe the Pilot just went out but I didn't *and still don't* know...Get the girls ready and all my stuff together so I could go to the gym to shower, make breakfast, wake up Allana...and she has pink eye! How much can 1 person take?! So the gym was out, daycare was out (for her at least) and I had no clue how I'd get a shower. Tried calling the dr for 45 minuts just to get an appt, got one.. Got her to the dr, waited 30 minutes in line at the pharmacy because some lady was aruging about Medicare or some somethin and holding everyone up. I leave there to get my very first..EVER..ticket! oh yes..I did. Today..of all days. I had tons..TONS to do...still do actually.
I'm just about at my breaking point..ok...I'm past it. I'm DONE! DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE and I can't deal anymore. I still haven't called insurance, I still havent finished packing, my house is a disaster, I haven't had a HOUR..away from my kids in a month, my nerves are fried, my emotions are friend, my give a 'you know what' is BUSTED, and I'm exausted, more emotionally than physically. All of that in 3 days..... oh..I didn't mention the fact that my husband has been gone for 8 months and that alone comes with all kinda of emotional drama'd just have to live it to understand. war zone, single parent, kids constantly...yah.
My ONLY upside today was the hot shower I got *Thank you Lauren!!!* It was incredible..absolutely..amazing.

I've got so much to do tonight bc I'm leaving town tomorrow, I have to leave..Im shutting off the water heater, the water and Im leaving. I'll deal with it when I get back..I can't deal with it right now. I need to leave this town. I'm praying nobody else gets pink eye and I just really really hope I have a nice, relaxing, easy drive tomorrow........I have GOT to catch a break sometime.....

Thank God for my Army family though! I love my Army family so much! I know at any time, if I need to give my kids a bath or shower or whatever I have numerous houses I could go too or vice versa, If I need something manly done that I just can't do (and I try every avenue possible before admitting manly defeat) that I have people to help me.. I love my Army family to death!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My thoughts on the Superbowl

So I thought I'd share some SuperBowl thoughts:

1. hard is it to get the National Anthum correct? Epic Fail for Christina! Not that I liked her before..but I really don't like her now.

2. LOVE the Doritos commercials

3. I will now predict the winner: The team wearing the gold pants will win!
*betcha..just watch :)*

4. for some reason I loved the commercial for the Chrystler 200 with Eminem.

5. Half time show ROOOOCKKKEDD!!!!

6. I'm rootin for Packers and here is why (pay attention or else you won't follow..My brain is -that- complex) When my brother was little he had a cheese head hat thingie.....I loved it, I wanted it... and someone I really don't a HUGE Steelers fan..(Nobody that reads this blog or on my Facebook is "the hated", so don't get hurt feelings, I dont associate with this all, bc I don't like her) And green used to be my favorite color when I was little (not anymore though) SO there you have it.

7. For my bday next year I want the BEP to come sing for me. ok, just Taboo

8. I so totally yell at my TV

9. I am Uber excited that the Superbowl was in Dallas this year.

10. TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 27-17!!

11. PACKERS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!

12. Every year I pick a team.........every year my team wins. *bowing* Thank you, thank you!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Murphy out..Murphina IN!

Dedicated to: Kristen :-)

I think I am officially going to rename Murphy, the mean deployment curse man, to Murphina, and here is why, I have never in my whole life had a dude give me so much trouble..ever. Dudes don't give me grief, it's those chicks out there who cause me drama. So I believe it's unfair to all my male friends to keep Murphy named Murphy...Write it in the history books loves..Murphy is now Murphina,the mean, catty, hate me cause I'm awesome, deployment curse CHICK!
So, Murphina pulled a doozy this time, 2 days before I am supposed to leave town. I was feelin really proud of myself, I survived the cold snap with no major issues, didn't lose my electricity, still had water..I was proud. Until last night when I decided to go wash some dishes and I had no water pressure. SURE, I had heard water rushing in our den bathroom that afternoon but I just assumed it was the neighbors or snow melting off the roof bc there was no water in the bathroom...yaaaa not so much. Long story short my back yard was flooded and I had water pouring out the side of my house for God knows how long. I knew I had to turn off the water but didnt quite know how to go about that bc my husband fails to show me such things when he leaves the country for a YEAR! I did however know we had one of those T tool majobbers. SO I go out in the middle of the street, to the nice man hole cover, which I was sure was where the water turn off was.
Picture this: me, lil 5'3 me, the one who struggles with a pickle jar, with a shovel, in the middle of the street, trying to pry the 75lb lid off the man hole thingie, dodging cars that were driving down the street craning their necks, staring at me. All while my kids were inside, screaming, wailing and tearing my house apart. I finally gave up for fear that I would catapult myself OVER the shovel and get run over by a car.
I did give up and call the aid of 2 of our friends who are on Rear D and they came over, found the correct hole (which, might I say, when they found the correct hole, even they had trouble getting it not that easy to shut off water!!) I am eternally greatful and will now have to name my son "Christopher Frank" and/or "Frank Christopher" whichever I decide I like better. But my water got shut off, and Mr. Roto Rooter will hopefully be by this evening to fix it. I don't know much about plumbing..ok, I know nothing..But I really don't think it could be THAT big of a mess to fix considering I did have water in the rest of the house this whole time..right?
Lemme just say though, I am really proud of myself and my other Army wife friends who have lost water. We are very resourceful ladies. Our husbands are gone and we can survive without water! GO US! I already have a plan on how to finish my dishes from last night (Then we're so using paper from here on out) and am working on a way to finish up my laundry (I know! go me!) This whole thing didn't even make me cry or get upset really..I was just MAD..really...really..MAD. Perhaps I'm evolving into a grounded, I can dodge everythign you throw at me, kinda chick. Normally I tend to lose it for a sec before I gain control and fix the issue..not this time. I'm proud.
So Murphina..STEP...OFF!!!! I have no problems throwin down with a chick!
oh ya..I said it! (please please please be nice to me, please please!)